
List of publications, presentations, articles (full-text links) and press coverage connected to the specific publications:

Press coverage following this publication:
Article in Modeller af varme exoplaneter kan hjælpe os med bedre at forstå Jordens klimaændringer  (1. January 2023) - interview med Uffe Gråe Jørgensen og Aaron David Schneider

  • Emil Vogt, Irén Simkó, Attila G. Császár, Henrik G. Kjærgaard, 2022, 'Calculation of Cold Infrared Spectra Water Dimer', Poster presentation at The International Conference on Horizons in Hydrogen Bond Research, Bilbao, 12-15 September, 2022.

Press coverage following this publication:
'Planets with many neighboors might be the best places to look for life' in Science News  (Nov.16, 2020)
'The Solar System follows the Galactic standard, but it is a Rare Breed' on NBI's homepage (Nov.30, 2020).

Press coverage following this publication (in Danish): 'Danske forskere finder fjerne planeter med gammel kikkert fra 1975',in (Sept.13, 2021).