We are opening two new postdoc positions in the field of

“The imprint of life on exoplanetary atmospheres”

• Application deadline: 9th of September 2024.

• Start 1st of November 2024 or soon thereafter.

The new postdocs will be part of a project aiming at deepening our understanding of what life is, how it interacts with the surrounding atmosphere of habitable exoplanets and how it can be remotely characterized from spectral modelling and observations. Applicants with knowledge and interest in atmospheric modelling, non-equilibrium chemistry, and basic biological processes, will be preferred.  The successful applicants will be part of the Astrophysics and Planetary Sciences section of the Niels Bohr Institute in its new environment at the Northern Campus of University of Copenhagen. The research will be carried out in close collaboration with the neighbouring Section of Microbiology at the Department of Biology and the Center for Star and Planet Formation at the Museum of Natural History, all at University of Copenhagen.

The two positions are a continuation of our exoplanetary modelling effort within the auspice of our Centre for ExoLife Sciences and EU ITN collaboration. A major summary of our first results within this project can be found in Jørgensen et al 2024 (arXiv 2407.093972, A&A in press) and references therein.

The positions are for two years, with the second year depending on funding and satisfactory progress. Denmark offers good opportunities for start-up grants for successful candidates to establish their own research group after their first years of postdoc position.

For more information, and to apply for the position, please go to:
