Are we a Unique Species
on a Unique Planet?

– or are we just the ordinary Galactic standard?

Copenhagen July 30 to August 2, 2024.

The registration is open until July 1, 2024, but closes if there are no more seats available. It is presently open.

  • Registration fee is 250€ if paid before 23:59 on June 1st, 2024.
  • Registration fee is 300€ if paid after 00:00 on June 2nd, 2024.

The registration fee includes lunches served in the canteen next to the conference venue (and coffee breaks).

There will be a conference dinner near the centre of town on the evening of Wednesday July 31, 2024.

Even if you have applied for (and been granted) waiving of the registration fee, you will still need to pay the 50€ if you want to participate in the conference dinner.

There will not be published proceedings after the meeting, but instead all talks will be filmed and uploaded to the conference webpage or similar. To be allowed to film the talks we need explicit permission from all speakers to do so.

Posters: There will be a “pop-up” presentation session of the posters with just a one-minute announcement per poster. Presenters are requested to submit a one-page slide of their poster in advance, such that they can be organized onto our conference pc and be on the screen the moment you step forward, so that you have the full minute to point at the poster, mention what it is all about, and tell your name and where to find your poster. 

Contributing talks: There is space for only a limited number of contributing talks (the program is already rather tightly scheduled).

Grants: We have a limited amount of grants available to support waiving of the fee and/or traveling expenses.

Deadline for application for grants and contributing talks is May 15th, and you can expect an answer by June 1st.

How to register and pay for participation:

The registration is open.

Please note: Your registration is not complete before you have paid the registration fee.

When the registration form has been completed, you will receive a link to the payment page.

Once your payment(s) have been received, you will receive a confirmation.

If you have applied for waiving of the fee and/or other support, your application for this will be evaluated by the organizers and you will be informed about this by June 1st.

If granted you will receive a reimbursement at the conference.

Fields marked with * are required.

Food *
Conference dinner *
I would like to present a contributing talk *
(i.e., exoplanets, disks & pre-biology, terrestrial contra alien biology, the future of life and humanity)
I hereby give my permission that my potential presentation is filmed and will be publicly available after the conference
I hereby give permission that the filming of the event may also take views over the auditorium, also if it may potentially show me being there *
I would like to present a poster *
I would like to announce my poster in the pop-up session *
If my suggested contributing talk cannot be scheduled, then I would like to present a poster instead *
I would like to apply for waiving of the fee *
I would like to apply for support toward my traveling expenses *
Please, explain why you need to be considered for the support, e.g. that you are a PhD student with no or very limited grants to support conference participations, or you come from a university or country that do not provide support for conference participations, and/or any other information you find relevant.
Gennemse Please upload your abstract with a title.(PDF)